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DoD Partners in Flight (DoD PIF)

Integrating Bird Conservation Strategies into INRMPs

For the current Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) Handbook and other INRMP resources, visit the “Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans” page on the DENIX web site.

The DoD PIF program vision is to support the military’s training and testing mission while being a vital and supportive partner in regional, national, and international bird conservation initiatives. Wherever possible, we strive to implement cooperative projects and programs on DoD lands to benefit the health and well being of birds and their habitats. We work hard to ensure that all Services have access to the land, sea, and air resources necessary to ensure national security, recognizing that sustainable use of these resources aids the military mission and also enhances the natural environment. The following information is provided to help natural resources personnel incorporate the best information on bird conservation into installation INRMPs.

Inventory & Monitoring

Develop and implement new and/or existing inventory and monitoring programs, at appropriate scales, using national standardized protocols, to assess the status and trends of bird populations and habitats, including migrating, breeding, and wintering birds; to identify the habitat conditions needed by applicable species of concern and understand interrelationships of co-existing species; and to evaluate the effects of management activities on habitats and populations of migratory birds. Monitoring data should be maintained in secure and accessible systems. The DoD Coordinated Bird Monitoring Plan provides guidelines and recommendations on survey design and data management. Review additional information available on the DoD Partners in Flight Monitoring Working Group page.

Habitat Conservation (protection, restoration, and enhancement)

Manage military lands in a manner that supports migratory bird conservation. This effort would include identifying management actions that have the potential to adversely affect migratory bird populations, including breeding, migration, or wintering habitats; and developing and implementing conservation measures that would avoid or minimize the take of migratory birds or enhance the quality of the habitat used by migratory birds. The DoD Migratory Bird Guidance gives examples of conservation measures for habitat conservation and enhancement that also support the military mission.


Work in conjunction with each other and other federal and state agencies to develop reasonable and effective conservation measures for actions that affect migratory birds and their natural habitats.

Participate in or promote the implementation of existing regional or national inventory and monitoring programs such as Breeding Bird Survey (BBS)Christmas Bird Counts, breeding bird atlas projects, or game bird surveys (e.g., mid-winter waterfowl surveys) on DoD lands where practicable and feasible.

Share inventory, monitoring, research, and study data for breeding, migrating, and wintering bird populations and habitats with national data repositories such as eBirdAvian Knowledge Network, and Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS).


Allow the USFWS and other partners reasonable access to military lands to conduct sampling or survey programs such as MAPSBBSInternational Shorebird Survey, and breeding bird atlases.

Encourage the use of qualified volunteers from local bird clubs to assist in survey and monitoring programs.

Use existing partnerships and explore opportunities for expanding and creating new partnerships to facilitate combined funding for inventory, monitoring, management studies, and research.

Outreach & Public Access

Participate in International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD). Consider hosting an IMBD event at your installation, possibly in conjunction with existing Earth Day events, and invite the local community. Announce and register your event through the IMBD web site (IMBD Events Registry).

Provide outdoor recreation and wildlife viewing opportunities, where appropriate.

Coordinate birding outings in-house, or through local bird clubs.

Promote and distribute outreach and educational materials such as the “Don Let Your Cat Go AWOL!”Bird Conservation on DoD Lands map.

Develop a checklist of birds found on your installation.

Consider creating interpretive displays along trails describing habitats, wildlife, and the management actions needed to sustain them.


Integrate (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) with the following national and international bird conservation initiatives:

Incorporate the list of Species of Concern for your installation. Also, review the priority species for your installation using the Partners in Flight database at the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.


Obtain permits for banding, scientific collection, taxidermy, special purposes, and depredation activities.

Follow the DoD Migratory Bird Guidance to ensure compliance with obligations in NEPA, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Final Rule on Take of Migratory Birds by the Armed Forces (50 CFR Part 21).