Regional Environmental Coordinators
Did you know?
- Military installations and organizations must comply with certain federal, state and local environmental laws.
- U.S. EPA has delegated 71% of their major programs to the states for enforcement.
- On average, state legislators propose 3,000 new state environmental laws each year.
- Over half of these state laws deal with “state unique” programs or requirements.
- On average, there are 2,500 new state environmental rules under development at any given time.
- There are 173 state or local regulatory agencies that write and enforce environmental regulations.
- There are approximately 1850 programs that must be tracked for new rule changes.
- States take 90% or more of all enforcement actions.
DoD REC Functions
- Educate State and Federal agency officials on the military’s operational and environmental needs, priorities and concerns
- Build and communicate coordinated DoD positions on issues important to military sustainment
- Monitor and engage in state legislation and rulemaking
- Develop, maintain, and coordinate partnerships to promote long-term sustainability of the military mission
- Provide strategic regional intelligence and perspectives to service RECs and policymakers at Headquarters
What’s New
Our Mission
To protect the military’s ability to prepare U.S. service men and women to defend our country by working with state governments and federal agencies on environmentally related issues to ensure continued access and use of the necessary land, sea and airspace.