DoD Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservations (PARC) primary responsibility is to ensure that DoD has the operational and logistical flexibility necessary for testing and training exercises. DoD PARC provides a framework for DoD and the Military Services to use to effectively manage amphibians and reptiles on DoD lands by focusing on habitat and species management; inventory, research, and monitoring; and education, outreach, and training.
DoD PARC Resources
Find policy and guidance, outreach materials such as fact sheets and posters, materials for installation personnel such as recommended best management practices for species at-risk, DoD PARC reports, and articles of interest all focusing on amphibians and reptiles to help sustain the military mission.
DoD PARC Fact Sheet

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC) program launched in 2009 to provide leadership, guidance, and support for the conservation and management of amphibians and reptiles on DoD lands in ways that help sustain the military’s testing, training and operational mission activities. DoD PARC is voluntary, proactive, and non-regulatory, and consists of military and civilian personnel.
DoD PARC Photo Library

To request access to the new photo library, email Paul Block and/or Chris Petersen. If you work outside of the DoD Components or Military Services, explain why you need to use the websiteโs photos. After requesting access, you will be sent an invitation email that will have a link for you to set up a free account to view the photo library.