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Army Ozone-Depleting Substance Program

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Following the Montreal Protocol and review of Army use of ozone depleting substances (ODS), an Army General Officer Steering Committee determined that use of ODS in certain Army systems is a combat readiness issue.  Since that determination the Army has maintained the Army ODS Elimination Program to oversee and manage the use of ODS by combat weapon systems.  The Army ODS Elimination Program has been highly successful in eliminating 99% of the Armyโ€™s use of ODS for weapon systems, with substitute chemicals and/or processes that met capability requirements. The Army ODS Elimination Program continues to manage the use of ODS in a limited number of combat mission critical applications in weapon systems.  Coincident with managing mission critical applications for weapon systems, the Army successfully eliminated 100% of Class I ODS applications in installation facilities. This level of success can be attributed to cooperation between the Army Acquisition Community and the Army Installation Community.  The Army Environmental Support Office continues to manage the use of ODS.  The following information resources are guidance for Army requisitioning and controlling ODS in compliance with worldwide regulations.

Executive Summary

ODS Classes

ODS Policy

ODS Strategy

ODS Contract Review

ODS Reserve


Army ODS Requisitioning Procedures

DLA Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Reserve

ODS R-22