Upcoming Environmental Planning and Conservation Webinars
Information on upcoming webinars will be posted as soon as more webinars are scheduled.
Past Environmental Planning and Conservation Webinars
Recovering Species, Sustaining our Mission through the Recovery and Sustainment Partnership (RASP) Initiative presented by Stephanie Hertz and Daniel Schwarz (19 December 2024)
A Rangewide Western Pond Turtle Status Assessment on Military Lands: Occupancy, Population Structure, and Pathogens presented by Thomas Akre, Emily Asche, Matthew Parry, Robert Lovich, Matthew Allender, and Michael Dreslik (14 November 2024)
Managing Prairie Ecosystems and Recovering Species – A Case Study on Collaborations and Partnerships from Joint Base Lewis-McChord presented by Dan Calvert (03 October 2024)
Acoustic Surveys for Bats: Detector Placement, Call Analysis, and Interpretation (Legacy Project 18-856) presented by Eric Britzke (30 July 2024)
Acoustic Surveys for Bats: Echolocation and Bat Detector Background (Legacy Project 18-856) presented by Eric Britzke (23 July 2024)
National Public Lands Day – DoD Legacy Program Grants presented by Kelly Burnett (26 June 2024)
Progress Update for the Guam Orchid Species Action Plan (Legacy Project Guam-21) presented by Mario Martinez (04 June 2024)
Building Better Bat Boxes: Recommendations for Artificial Roost Design for At-Risk Bats presented by Patrick Wolff and Joy O’Keefe (29 May 2024)
Motus Wildlife Tracking: An Introduction and Applications to the DoD Mission presented by Adam Smith and Michael Jungen (30 April 2024)
Creating an Installation-wide Library of Improved Distribution Maps to Guide Stewardship of Priority Species (Legacy Project NR-22-010) presented by Dr. Max Tarjan (18 April 2024)
Protect Insects, Protect Birds: A Call to Action for Conservation through World Migratory Bird Day presented by Dr. Susan Bonfield (20 March 2024)
Environmental DNA (eDNA) Surveys and Management of Wildlife on Military Lands presented by Dr. Jinelle Sperry (22 February 2024)
DoD Snake Fungal Disease Survey, Part II (Legacy Project NR-21-005) presented by Matthew Allender, Robert Lovich, and Christopher Petersen (12 October 2023)
Assessment of the Population Genetics of Golden-cheeked Warblers: Updates from Genome-enabled Studies (Legacy SAP-GCWA-19) presented by Dr. Giri Athrey (21 June 2023)
Species Habitat Models to Guide Stewardship of DoD Mission Priority Species (Legacy Project NR-22-010) presented by Dr. Max Tarjan (13 June 2023)
Conducting Species Status Assessments for Priority DoD At-risk Species (Legacy Project 18-848) presented by Michael Marshall (30 May 2023)
Nexus between Energy Conservation, Light Reduction, and Reducing Bird Collisions with Structures presented by Eric Kershner, Jo Anna Lutmerding, Joelle Gehring, and Trish Cutler (25 April 2023)
Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) presented by Chris Tanner and Brian Scofield (01 March 2023)
Building Capacity for Managing At-Risk Species to Enable Mission Readiness on Military Installations: Spotted Turtle Status Assessment and Surveys (Legacy Project NR 20-002) presented by Dr. Tom Akre (25 January 2023)
Impact of DoD Legacy Resource Management Program Awards on National Public Lands Day (Legacy Project NEEF NPLD-21) presented by Dabreon Darby and Maria-Veronica Banks (19 December 2022)
Enhanced Monitoring of Imperiled Bat Species on DoD Installations Using Aerial Acoustic Technology (Legacy Project 16-804) presented by Emma Willcox (29 November 2022)
DoD’s Participation in the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) presented by Elizabeth Neipert (05 October 2022)
Managing Invasive Ants as Threats to Endangered Insect Species on DoD Lands in Hawai’i (Legacy Project 18-844) presented by Paul Krushelnycky (25 August 2022)
2021 Conserving Biodiversity on Military Lands – A Handbook for Natural Resources Managers (Legacy Project NR 18-247) presented by Shara Howie, Pat Comer, and Dave Jones (28 July 2022)
Integrating Drones into DoD Natural Resource Management (ESTCP project RC19-5218) presented by Susan Cohen (21 April 2022)
Oak Regeneration Under Varying Treatment Regimes: Management Guidelines and Implications for At-Risk Avian Species (Legacy Project GCWA-SAP-20) presented by Jinelle Sperry (24 March 2022)
Filling the Gap: The California Central Coast Joint Venture (Legacy Project NR-20-003) presented by Connor Jandreau (15 February 2022)
Creating an Installation-wide Library of Improved Distribution Maps to Guide Stewardship of Priority Species (Legacy Projects NR-20-010 and NR-21-010) presented by Dr. Gio Rapacciuolo and Dr. Healy Hamilton (18 January 2022)
Mapping, Optimization of Controls, and Reduction of Fenceline Impacts of Fugitive Dust Emissions from DoD Roads, Trails, and Training Areas: Demonstration of Tools in Practical Applications (ESTCP project RC-201700) presented by Dr. John A. Gillies (18 November 2021)
Conservation and Management of Western Monarchs on DoD Lands: Implications of Breeding Phenology (Legacy Project NR-19-001) presented by Cheryl Schultz (21 September 2021)
DoD Wildfire Hazard Assessment (Legacy Project 16-788) presented by Andrew Beavers (30 June 2021)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Presentation on Recent Updates to the Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) Tool presented by Victoria Foster and Chellby Kilheffer (08 June 2021))
Characterizing Mojave Desert Shrub Ecotypes to Establish Seed Transfer Zones for Military Range Restoration (Legacy Project 16-820) presented by Susan Schwinning (14 April 2021)
Engaging Active-Duty Service Members in Habitat Restoration, Rare Species Conservation, and Ecological Science (Legacy Project 18-842) presented by Dennis Buckingham (16 March 2021)
Gopher Tortoises and Test Ranges: Developing an Understanding for the Wildlife-Habitat Relationships of this Novel Habitat (Legacy Projects 16-818 and 17-818) presented by William Moore (17 February 2021)
Maximizing the Efficacy of Intra-Installation Translocations to Mitigate Human-Rattlesnake Conflicts (Legacy Project 16-822) presented by Jayme Waldron (06 January 2021)
Endangered Species Recovery Metrics: Measuring Changes in Recovery Status for Better Conservation Decisions (Legacy Project NR-19-003) presented by Jake Li (17 December 2020)
Development and Implementation of Targeted Training Resources for Wildland Fire Operations on Military Lands by Jennifer S. Mueller and Daniel Godwin (14 October 2020)
Assessment of Golden-cheeked Warbler Genetic Recovery by Giri Athrey (03 September 2020)
Conservation and Management of Western Monarchs on DoD Lands by Stephanie McKnight (12 August 2020)
Ophidiomyces Detection in Free – ranging Snakes on DoD Installations in the U.S. and Puerto Rico by Robert Lovich (16 July 2020)
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units presented by Zia Burns, Lori Kruse-Johnson, Chris Petersen, Amberly Hall, and Jen McDonald (22 April 2020)
Transferring Translocation Science to Wildlife Conservation on DoD Installations presented by Brett DeGregio, Sasha Tetzlaff, Jinelle Sperry, and Bruce Kingsbury (26 February 2020)
Methods for Estimating Densities and Detection Probabilities of Secretive Reptiles (Legacy Project 14-754) presented by J.D. Wilson, Shannon Pittman, Christopher Petersen, and Robert Lovich (14 November 2019)
Multi-Species Management Plans and Predictive Range Mapping presented by Shara Howie, Sabra Tonn, Kristine Johnson, and Regan Lyons Smyth (29 October 2019)
Building Local Awareness through National Public Lands Day presented by Tony Richardson (18 September 2019)
Conservation and Management of Western Monarchs on DoD Lands presented by Stephanie McKnight (25 June 2019)
Landscape Genomics of the Flat-tailed Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma mcallii) on DoD Lands in California and Arizona presented by Andrew Gottscho and Robert Lovich (11 June 2019)
Limitations on Post-fire Regeneration in Mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) in Hawaii (Legacy Project 16-831) presented by Rebecca Ostertag, Amanda Uowolo, Wailea Collins, and Susan Cordell (30 May 2019)
The North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat): North America Unites to Systematically Document Bat Populations presented by Brian Reichert, Fort Collins Science Center (18 April 2019)
Using Avian Monitoring Data to Guide Natural Resource Management through Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions presented by Nick van Lanen, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and Clark Jones, US Fish and Wildlife Service (14 March 2019)
Assessing the Importance of Wetlands on DoD Installations for the Persistence of Wetland-dependent Birds in North America presented by Bryan S. Stevens and Courtney J. Conway, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (07 February 2019)
Opportunities for Military Installations to Collaborate with Conservation Corps presented by Jay Satz, Northwest Youth Corps and Josh Tuohy, The Corps Network (17 January 2019)
Threats and Stressors to Species at Risk and Ecological Systems and Implications for Installations in Colorado and the Western U.S. by Lee Grunau and Renée Rondeau, Colorado Natural Heritage Program (25 October 2018)
Integrating State Wildlife Action Plans into Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans presented by Scott Klopfer, Virginia Tech (27 September 2018)
An Early Warning Mapping Tool for Forecasting Fire Risk on DoD Lands in the Arid West presented by Miranda Gray, Josh Gage, Luke Zachmann, and Brett Dickson, Conservation Science Partners Inc. (13 September 2018)
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) Network presented by Bill Thompson and Dan Filer, National Park Service (7 August 2018)
Migratory Connectivity of At-risk Grassland Birds presented by Jason Hill and Roz Renfrew, Vermont Center of Ecostudies (30 May 2018)
Conservation and Management of Western Monarchs on DoD Lands presented by Stephanie McKnight, The Xerces Society (14 March 2018)
Whooping Cranes in the Central Flyway – Relevance for Military and Civil Works Projects During Migratory Stopover presented by Aaron Pearse, USGS and Wade Harrell, USFWS (6 December 2017)
Habitat Mapping for Aquatic Species At-Risk on Military Installations using GPS-based Underwater Video presented by Paul Ayers, University of Tennessee (1 November 2017)
Operation tenBoma: Applying Military Strategy to Conservation/Anti-Poaching presented by Faye Cuevas, International Fund for Animal Welfare (26 September 2017)
Overcoming Challenges to the Recovery of Declining Amphibian Populations in the United States presented by Dr. Susan Walls, USGS (11 July 2017)
Herpetofauna Biodiversity on Army Installations presented by Rob Lovich, DoD PARC National Technical Representative (27 June 2017)
NOAA Compensatory Mitigation Policy presented by Susan-Marie Stedman, NOAA Fisheries, Office of Habitat Conservation (02 May 2017)
Understanding Occupancy Patterns in a Low-Density Population of Gopher Tortoises, Gopherus polyphemus presented by Steve Goodman, Virginia Tech Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation (22 March 2017)
History and Successes of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative presented by Robert Fisher, Western Ecological Research Center, USGS (10 February 2017)
Endangered Species Act Section 7(a)(1) – Conservation Planning, Mission Support, and Species Recovery presented by Dr. Richard Fischer, DoD Bird Conservation Program Coordinator (21 October 2016)
Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool presented by Rayo McCollough, Natural Heritage New Mexico and Chuck Hayes, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (29 September 2016)
Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Restoration Case Study: If You Build It, Will They Come? presented by Brandon Ruhe, President of the Mid-Atlantic Center for Herpetology and Conservation (12 July 2016)
Using HerpMapper presented by Mike Pingleton, HerpMapper (13 June 2016)
Final Office of the Secretary of Defense Natural Resources Update presented by Peter Boice, Deputy Director, DoD Natural Resources Program (24 May 2016)
International Migratory Bird Day: Connecting People to Bird Conservation presented by Dr. Susan Bonfield, Environment for the Americas (12 May 2016)
Current Status of White-Nose Syndrome and Potential Impacts to DoD presented by Eric Britzke, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (6 May 2016)
Monitoring Amphibians Using Environmental DNA presented by Dr. Katherine Strickler, Washington State University (21 April 2016)
Herpetofauna Biodiversity on Air Force Lands presented by Dr. Rob Lovich, DoD’s National Technical Representative for Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (29 March 2016)
Legislative Update on the Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act presented by Representative Quigley, Dr. Christine Sheppard (American Bird Conservancy), and Mr. Erik Schneider (National Audubon Society) (1 March 2016)
Decision Support for Conservation Assessment and Planning in a Landscape Context presented by Dr. Patrick Crist, NatureServe (24 February 2016)
Introduction to the Avian Knowledge Network and Information Planning and Conservation System presented by Dr. Eric Kershner, USFWS (4 February 2016)
Evaluation of Mechanical Mid-Story Removal as a Tool to Restore Endangered Species Habitat (Legacy project 14-109) presented by Thomas Gorman, Virginia Tech University (10 December 2015)
Migratory Connectivity of At-Risk Grassland Birds (Legacy project 14-764) presented by Jason Hill, Vermont Center for Ecostudies (16 November 2015)
Using the Endangered Species Act to Protect Rare Amphibians and Reptiles presented by Jenny Loda, Center for Biological Diversity (5 November 2015)
Species at Risk on DoD Lands: 2014 Updated Analysis, Report, and Maps (Legacy project 14-772) presented by Nancy Benton and Lynn Kutner, Nature Serve (27 October 2015)
Detector Dog Surveys for Eastern Indigo Snakes (Drymarchon couperi) at three Navy Installations in north Florida presented by Dirk Stevenson, Orianne Society (15 October 2015)
Partnering with DoD to Combat Wildlife Trafficking presented by Dr. Heidi Kretser, Wildlife Conservation Society (17 September 2015)