Cultural Resources

Cultural Resources Planning

Cultural Resources Planning: Guidance

This guidance document presents methodology for considering and integrating climate change risks into cultural resources management and the potential ways to improve resiliency for cultural resources. This guide also presents ways to integrate these climate adaptation strategies into Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plans (ICRMPs).

This report describes a project with two objectives: (1) to research and develop new job descriptions for architectural historian, cultural resources manager (CRM), and historic preservationist technician/specialist, and (2) to review the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) current job classifications for architectural historians, historic preservationists, and CRMs and then present a plan to improve the hiring process for those positions by recommending changes and additions to job classifications.

This project outlined the characteristics of common Best Management Practices (BMPs) used in LID and described how they manage stormwater. Each LID BMP is explained according to its hydrologic functioning and then the guide identifies how that technology can be integrated with the character of a historic district. Because of the variety of historic districts at military facilities and the potential for unique management issues, the field guide discusses historic districts according to general land use types. The scale and extent of specific LID BMPs directs where they will blend into a historic district land use type. Once a site is identified for a LID BMP, the significant time period of a historic district informs the design and material choices used to construct the LID BMP. Ellen R. Hartman.

This handbook is designed to aid the Department of Defense (DoD) cultural resource manager (CRM) and their contractors in understanding the potential for the unauthorized disclosure of national security information that should be protected from public release and how to avoid such a disclosure on cultural resource projects. Karen Van Citters and Brian M. Lione.

This guide collects existing standards, guidance, and best practices on cultural resources interpretation and public outreach and examples of interpretation and public outreach projects. This project developed an evaluation rubric for comparing effectiveness of diverse project types and used that data to develop a source book of best examples and guidance to help DoD components and installations to develop their own creative cultural resources interpretation and public outreach projects. Chad Blackwell and Marjorie Nowick.

This project provides practical information to professionals who are new to the world of DoD Cultural Resources Management, creative ideas to experienced colleagues, and also to members of garrison leadership who may not be familiar with what they should and can expect from a cultural resources program that understands the relationship between stewardship and mission requirements. Heather Wagner.

Cultural Resources Planning: Data Management

This report describes a project that prepared an assessment of current DoD cultural resources data and data management practices with recommendations for incorporating existing DoD cultural resources data into newly developed data standards developed for the Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE), and for DoD cultural resources spatial and associated business data. Brian Crane.

This report describes a project that provided the following benefits: (1) gathered pre-1945 facility-specific data to complement the originally collected Cold War data and provide the same level of information for all pre-1992 facilities at all four installations; (2) established a procedure for creating searchable electronic documents employable at any repository; (3) provided electronic copies of important national, regional, and local contexts and other important CRM documents for intended use by a wide DoD audience; and (4) provided important labor metrics to DoD leadership so they can begin planning for DoD-wide data collection and sharing. Carrie J. Gregory.

This workbook focuses on the disaster related needs of librarians, archivists, and records managers in documentary collections–that is, in collections of printed documents, magnetic media, electronic records, and so on–of the United States Navy. The workbook outlines plans that deal with a whole range of events, from routine leaks to large-scale natural disasters. Because the workbook is intended for use in Navy installations throughout the world, a wide variety of disasters are covered, but the focus is upon those that are most common within the United States. Beth Patkus and Robert E. Schnare

This report proposes a minimum set of Cultural Resources Business Data Standards for use in DoD cultural resources management programs. These draft standards represent the minimum set of data and associated attributes that DoD is recommended to collect and maintain in order to support its cultural resources management program. The standards were developed by assessing the current state of cultural resources data collection and management processes in the DoD and identifying all of the data elements associated with those processes. Data Element refers to any piece of data or information that may be needed as part of the DoD cultural resources program. Brian Crane.

The Clearinghouse Advisory Group (CAG) developed guidance on uploading the data and an upload template to provide a means for consistency throughout the DoD. The Core Team also developed metrics to provide information on time and effort to upload the data. Valerie Renner.

A presentation on mitigation in the Section 106 process. Dave Berwick, Army Affairs Coordinator, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)

A presentation on Fort Benjamin Harrison’s base closure and reuse. Jon C. Smith, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer.

A presentation on conducting Section 106 Reviews under Base Re-Alignment and Closure. Charlene Vaughn, Office of Federal Agency Programs, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

A presentation on preparing for Base Realignment and Closure. Paul Lumley, Senior Tribal Liaison, Department of Defense.

DoD Component Cultural Resources Programs

Army Environmental Command Cultural Resources Program

NAVFAC Cultural Resources Program

U.S. Marine Corps HQ

U.S. Air Force Cultural Resources Program

Defense Logistics Agency, Disposition Services

Washington Headquarters Services, Facilities Services Directorate