Cultural Resources

DoD Environmental Planning & Conservation Webinar Series: Cultural Resources

Upcoming Webinars

Information on upcoming webinars will be posted as soon as more webinars are scheduled.

Past Webinars

Preserving and Interpreting the Department of the Navy’s Sunken Military Craft
The Department of Defense is responsible for the continuing management of its sunken military craft, many of which are considered historic properties, but may also constitute war graves, or pose environmental or public safety concerns. The Department of the Navy (DON) has established a program to manage, research, preserve and interpret its collection of more than 20,000 submerged cultural resources distributed across the globe and dating from the American Revolution through to the Nuclear Age. This presentation provided an overview of the DON program and discussed the applicable legislative and regulatory framework, accompanied by illustrative case studies. Presented by Dr. Alexis Catsambis, Branch Head, Underwater Archaeology/Sunken Military Craft, Naval History and Heritage Command.

A Lakota Winyan’s Journey
This webinar focused on Jacqueline Melcher’s successes in removing barriers and changing policy for Indigenous people in the Department of the Air Force (DAF) and the Department of Defense. Ms. Melcher discussed the importance of her ancestors, her journey as a Lakota woman who was born and raised on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, and how her Civil Engineering background led her to the DAF.

Adding to the Historic Record Through Community Collaboration
Field work involving the archaeology and history of descendent communities who are under-represented or not represented in the historic record can be an intensely personal and emotional experience for project partners and cultural resource practitioners. This session focused on several archaeological case studies, including field work related to World War II-era Japanese-American internment facilities, that informed how practitioners can mindfully collaborate with project partners. Presented by Michelle Slaughter, Principal Investigator, Historical Archaeology and Public Outreach, Statistical Research Inc. (SRI).

2024 Keeping History Above Water (KHAW): Pacific Workshop – Impact and Next Steps
This webinar discussed the impact of the 2024 KHAW: Pacific Workshop and next steps to build on the successes of the meeting. The KHAW: Pacific workshop, which took place in June 2024 in Honolulu, HI, served as a venue to discuss community-driven solutions for preserving Pacific Islands physical and intangible cultural heritage in the face of coastal inundation. Margaret Back, Preservation Projects Manager, Newport Restoration Foundation gave an introductory presentation and moderated a panel discussion about the meeting. Additional panelists were Stanton Enomoto, Senior Program Director, Department of the Interior, Office of Native Hawaiian Relations; Gregg Nakano, Climate Security Advisor, Kwajalein Atoll Sustainability Laboratory; and Kate Plimpton, Senior Cultural Resource Advisor, ODASD (EM&R). Panelists shared their thoughts on the follow-on benefits of the conference including the discussions it sparked throughout the Pacific, plans for additional stakeholder meetings, and the ways in which attendees praised DoD community cooperation initiatives. Additional information on this project is available on the Cultural Resources KHAW website:

Tribal Treaty Database Demonstration
This webinar provided a demonstration of the Tribal Treaties Database – a collaborative project supported by the Oklahoma State University Library, DOD Legacy Resource Management Program, Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Department of Agriculture, Office of Tribal Relations. In November 2021, President Biden announced the Interagency Tribal Treaty Rights and Reserved Rights Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the White House Tribal Nations Summit. DOD is one of 17 signatory agencies on the MOU to protect tribal treaty rights and reserved rights. Development of a searchable, indexable database of the nearly 400 ratified treaties and other agreements between the U.S. Government and tribes was a focal point of the implementation plan crafted by the MOU agencies. The publicly available database makes it possible for federal employees and the general public to review these documents that continue to shape the relationships between the U.S. and tribal nations. The federal Trust Responsibility to tribes and DOD consultation policy includes the obligation on federal agencies to consult with tribes on any proposed action that may affect tribal lands, rights, or resources. The presenters discussed background of the database, showcased how to search it, and highlighted research tools within the database. Presented by Taylor Schad, Policy Advisor, Office of Tribal Relations, U.S. Department of Agriculture; and Juliana Nykolaiszyn, Department Head and Professor, Digital Resources and Discovery Services, Library, Oklahoma State University.

Over the next five years (2023-2028) the Department of Defense (DoD) Legacy Resource Management Program will sponsor a series of projects designed to help meet its heritage conservation responsibilities under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). DoD has partnered with the National Preservation Institute (NPI) through a cooperative agreement, a Nationwide Approach to NHPA Section 110 Surveys Project. NPI will be working with the cultural resource management leadership to develop high-priority projects that will identify and evaluate historic properties. This survey work represents a substantial investment by the DoD, with $13.5M allocated to the projects by the Legacy Program and another $10M of additional capacity available via contributions from the individual Services. Presented by John H. Sprinkle, Jr., Ph.D., Principle Investigator, National Preservation Institute, and Jere Gibber, Executive Director, National Preservation Institute.

Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) is a demonstration and validation program within the Department of Defense designed to advance technology to meet end-user needs. An overview is provided for ESTCP Projects selected under the FY24 Topic of “Advancing Technology for Rapid Survey and Assessment of Cultural Resources on DoD Lands.” The FY25 ESTCP solicitation is open for Advancing DoD Cultural Resource Management Efficiencies for Properties and Project Management. Presented by J. Kevin Hiers and Kate Plimpton.

This webinar provides a brief overview of DoD’s Wildland Fire Management efforts and highlight specific areas for collaboration between cultural resources and wildland fire managers to mitigate potential negative impacts from wildfires. Integration during a risk management based five-step process enhances the protection and resilience of installation cultural resources. The webinar will discuss each of the five steps and collaboration opportunities during each step: assess hazards, develop plans, implement risk mitigation (including prescribed fire planning and implementation), respond to incidents, and recover from wildfires.  This process, including proper integration of the programs, will enable cultural resources protection and contribute to ensuring a resilient built and natural infrastructure. Presented by Anne Jewell, Wildland Fire & Emergency Services Program Manager, Environmental Planning & Conservation Directorate, Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense for Environmental Management and Restoration, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment.

This presentation discussed the ways that Indigenous Knowledge can inform best practices for the stewardship of cultural resources, especially as it pertains to climate adaptation and mitigation. Presented by Mr. Michael Durglo Jr., Climate Change Coordinator, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.

Operation and Maintenance Training: A Special Program for Historic Buildings
This webinar provides an overview of the operation and maintenance training series developed and offered by the Technical Center of Expertise (TCX) to address the special techniques needed when maintaining historic properties. The presentation gives a high level overview of training goals, areas covered like wood and masonry, and a description of the learning exercises that let participants practice using methodologies learned. The learning exercises are conducted in groups, the participants practice writing a work order with special historic building considerations, then pass that off to another group. The new group must then present where they would go to find information if they needed it and what steps they would employ when executing the repair. Presented by Lys Perhay, Lead Architectural Historian at the US Army Corps of Engineers Technical Center of Expertise for the Treatment of Historic Buildings and Structures.

The Fort Eustis Cultural Resources Management Program has monitored the installation’s 234 archaeological sites since 2010. The Program has determined that the largest threat to the installation’s archaeological resources is increased tidal erosion driven by climate change. It is time to move beyond documenting the extent of the problem and determine how to address the issue. Effectively accomplishing that requires bringing a diverse group of individuals and organizations together to build a narrative that leads to consensus on the proper course of action. Presented by Dr. Christopher L. McDaid, Archaeologist and Cultural Resources Manager at Fort Eustis.

Tribal Engagement Guidebook: Legacy Project #CR-21-001
The Legacy Program in partnership with the USACE, Tribal leaders, and cultural resource professional created a guidebook for Natural Resource and Cultural Resources professionals, Base Commanders, Tribal Liaisons, legal counsels, and public affairs personnel to strengthen the Department of Defense’s relationship with Tribal Leaders. The guidebook authors navigate Tribal engagements and provide recommendations on creating relationships with Tribes specific to their region and/or installation. The authors also worked to collect best practices and protocols for engaging with federally recognized Tribes. Presented by Matthew Grunewald, Deputy Director, USACE Tribal Nations Technical Center of Expertise.

American Veterans Archaeological Recovery: A Supported Opportunity for Veterans to Excel
American Veterans Archaeological Recovery (AVAR) has provided over 250 opportunities for veterans to engage with archaeology for the first time, to take part in paid CRM projects, and most recently to undertake an accredited Field School. The only program of its kind in the USA, AVAR’s support tools and management approach also have proven mental health benefits for the veterans who take part in AVAR field projects. This presentation describes the unique support systems and cultural competency that American Veterans Archaeological Recovery has developed since its inception in 2016. Presented by Stephen Humphreys, PhD, CEO of American Veterans Archaeological Recovery.

Protecting Cultural Heritage Abroad: U.S. Army Monuments Officers – Webinar Recording, 2023
This webinar introduces the U.S. Army’s Monuments Officers Program and their commitment to protecting cultural property in areas of armed conflict. The history of the program as well as the special training that is necessary to meet the mission are discussed.

Climate Adaptation Guide: Legacy Project #CR-20-002 – Webinar Recording, 2023
The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the recently completed Guide to Incorporating Climate Considerations into Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plans (ICRMP). The presentation will discuss the guide’s two parts. Part I includes an overview of climate risks to military installations and mission; compliance requirements; information on climate change and adaptation; sources of information; and a summary of climate and adaptation considerations. Part II offers a step-by-step method for carrying out the ICRMP adaptation planning process and integrating the outcomes into the ICRMP. The presentation will provide a summary of the components in the two parts, and a walk through of the worksheets that can be used for ICRMP integration. Presented by Jayne Aaron, Environmental Planner and Architectural Historian at EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.

The Veterans Curation Program: Heroes Preserving History – Webinar Recording, 2023
The Veterans Curation Program (VCP) is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) funded program that hires post-911 veterans to process at-risk archaeological collections that are currently under the stewardship responsibility of USACE. Veterans with no prior experience in archaeology or collections management are trained to catalog, rehouse, and digitize artifacts and their associated records during the course of the five month term. VCP managers utilize this training to teach transferable job skills while also trying to meet the individual personal growth and development needs of each technician. To date, the VCP has brought 750 veterans and 490 collections together in a flexible, transitional space that results in benefits for both. Presented by Alison Shepherd, Veterans Curation Program (VCP) Project Manager and Kimberly Blanke, VCP Assistant Project Manager.

This webinar provides an overview of program replication options within DoD for Secretary of Interior Standards historic preservation projects in collaboration with DoD installation Departments of Public Works and military design and construction units, that improve transition for greater numbers of active duty Servicemember participants.  The webinar discusses examples of projects/training over the last ten years and associated non-profit/federal training-based contracting, regulatory compliance, cost reduction, scheduling, safety, and quality assurance approaches. Tanya Komas, Concrete Preservation Institution, and Boris Kun, Director, Workforce, Credentialing & SkillBridge Programs OASD(Readiness)/ODASD(Force Education & Training) OUSD Personnel Readiness.