Sharing Controlled Unclassified Information during National Historic Preservation Act Consultation
In 2022, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Environment & Energy Resilience) signed out a memorandum to clarify policy on sharing Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) during NHPA consultation. The memorandum is available at:
DoD Cultural Resources Program Becomes a Member of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA)
The DoD Cultural Resources Program is now a member of the SAA. SAA is an international organization that, since its founding in 1934, has been dedicated to research about and interpretation and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With nearly 7,000 members, SAA represents professional and avocational archaeologists, archaeology students in colleges and universities, and archaeologists working at tribal agencies, museums, and government agencies and in the private sector. Through SAA, the DoD Cultural Resources Program is a member of the society’s Military Archaeological Resources Stewardship (MARS) Interest Group, which seeks to bring together SAA members who have interests in military archaeology to provide them with an environment to meet and discuss initiatives to identify and protect cultural and historic resources during military operations. To learn more about SAA, please visit:
New Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPOs)—La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians, California and Chemehuevi Indian Tribe of the Chemehuevi Reservation, California
The Director of the National Park Service formally approved the proposals of the La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians, California and the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe of the Chemehuevi Reservation, California to assume certain Historic Preservation Officer duties on tribal lands in California. The La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians, California is the 209th tribe and the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe of the Chemehuevi Reservation, California is the 212th tribe to assume historic preservation duties previously the responsibility of the SHPO. For a complete list of tribes that have assumed historic preservation functions, please see the Tribal Historic Preservation Program database:
Latest News
The DoD Cultural Resources Program is an American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA) Member!
The DoD Cultural Resources Program is pleased to announce that it is now an ACRA member. The ACRA is the national trade association supporting and promoting the common interests of cultural resource management firms of all sizes, types, and specialties. Member firms undertake many of the legally mandated cultural resource management studies and investigations in the United States. To learn more about ACRA, please visit
DoD’s Section 3 Report to ACHP
The DoD Cultural Resources Program recently submitted to the ACHP its report, which satisfies the requirements of Section 3(c) of Executive Order (EO) 13287, “Preserve America,” for DoD for fiscal years 2017-2019. The Preserve America EO directs each Federal agency with real property management responsibilities to submit reports on its “progress in identifying, protecting, and using historic properties in its ownership.” This report references policy and guidance documents from OSD and the Military Departments. These documents provide the framework necessary to balance and integrate proactive management of cultural resources with all aspects of the military mission. To access the report, please visit
Upcoming Events
Pentagon Earth Day Event
Join us as DoD Celebrates Earth Day on Monday, April 17, 2023. This year’s theme is, “Invest in our planet, protect our future.” The event is being co-hosted by the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Environment & Energy Resilience) and the Washington Headquarters Services, Pentagon Environmental Office. The following link will livestream the Speaker Series portion of the event from 12:00-1:30pm EST: DVIDS – Webcast – 2023 Pentagon Earth Day Celebration ( Scheduled speakers are Hon. Brendan Owens, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations & Environment, Mr. Joe Bryan, Chief Sustainability Officer & Senior Advisor for Climate to the Secretary of Defense, and Ms. Caroline Baxter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Education & Training.
Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) 2023 Annual International Conference
The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) will be hosting their Annual International Conference in Montréal, Canada from April 12-16th 2023. For more details regarding the annual conference, please visit: 2023 Conference – Montréal & Virtual (
2018 Sustaining Military Readiness Conference
The Department of Defense (DoD) hosted the 2018 Sustaining Military Readiness (SMR) Conference from 13-16 August 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri. This Conference provided a forum in which to explore the interdisciplinary nature of sustaining military capacities with broad representation from the installation, testing, training, and environmental communities. The DoD Cultural Resources and Native American Affairs Programs co-hosted four workshops during the conference. Sessions brought together cultural resource management subject matter experts and their installation partners to encourage discussion and solution identification, as well as camaraderie.
This presentation is from the Training Resources and Needs in Cultural Resources Management and Native Affairs Workshop at the 2018 Sustaining Military Readiness Conference. The workshop discussed available tribal consultation training resources for Federal and non-Federal employees.
This presentation from the Cultural Resources Management and Tribal Consultation Tools Workshop at the 2018 Sustaining Military Readiness Conference. The workshop discussed Federal laws and regulations regarding tribal consultation and cultural resources management as well as tools for consultation, including Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plans, Programmatic Agreements, and Tribal Consultation Protocols.
This presentation is from the Tribal Consultation and Cultural Resources Management Practitioners Panel at the 2018 Sustaining Military Readiness Conference. The panel discussed Federal laws and regulations and cultural resources planning regarding tribal consultation and sacred sites.
Training courses related to cultural resources management, consultation, and historic preservation are available at the links below. Some links are DoD-affiliated, and others are external.
Naval Civil Engineer Corps Officers School Environmental Training
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Learning Center
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Historic Buildings Technical Center of Expertise
Advisory Council for Historic Preservation
National Park Service Training
National Park Service Technical Preservation Services
National Center for Preservation Technology and Training