Course Description
The NEPA Application Course, presented in a three-day seminar, provides participants with the legal requirements, Navy policy, procedures and techniques for implementing NEPA, and is the foundation for more advanced NEPA coursework. This course focuses on: selecting the proper document; levels of analysis; public involvement; review process; and impact analysis required under the law. Lectures, case studies and hands-on workshops involving Navy-scenarios are part of this in-depth study of NEPA analysis process. The course focuses on documentation and sufficiency requirements for the Categorical Exclusion and Environmental Assessment. The course is taught by an experienced planning practitioner with additional legal support by the Department of the Navy, Office of the General Counsel.
CIN: A-4A-0112 (Virtual) / CIN: A-4A-0077 (In Person)
Target Audience
DoN, (Navy with Marine Corps and others as space permits) personnel who work with environmental issues in the following areas:
Weapon systems acquisition programs
Shore facility operations and management
Real Estate and Facilities Planning Operational exercises and training
Realignment and base closure actions
Construction projects
Range Management and Planning
Daily Sessions Schedule for Virtual offerings (PACIFIC TIMES):
Session 1: โฏ8:00am – 9:30am;
Session 2: 10:00am – 11:30am;
Session 3: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Course Registration
If you are eligible for this course, use the links below to login or register for an eNTRS account.
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Course Offerings
Offering | CDP | Start Date | End Date | Course Location |
TBD | 335M | N/A | N/A | TBD |
25040 | 12YW | 10 - Jun - 25 | 12 - Jun - 25 | Virtual (see session times above) |
25050 | 12YW | 12 - Aug - 25 | 14 - Aug - 25 | Virtual (see session times above) |