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Naval Civil Engineer Corps Officers School Environmental Training

Advancing an Effective EMS

Course Description

How do you take your existing Environmental Management System to the next level?

Advancing an Effective EMS will assist you in the next steps of continual improvement ensuring you incorporate and further all aspects of the 18 Navy EMS Elements. The class is offered as a webinar with typical class times of 0800-1330 Pacific. In addition to expert instruction, the course provides open forum discussion for members of EMS appropriate facilities to share ideas and Best-In-Class examples for your implementation.

Topics include:

Environmental Policy – Environmental Aspects – Objectives &Targets – Sustainability – Operational Controls – Emergency Preparedness and Response – Documentation – Competence, Training & Awareness – Regulatory and Other Requirements – Audit Results and Non Conformities – Monitoring and Measurement Requirements – Management Review

Please note that this is not a beginner course on how to implement EMS, rather it will focus on enhancing your existing efforts in alignment with OPNAV 5090.1 (Series), and NAVFAC guidance/protocols.

In order to address the recent need for CEC Officers to take this course for both Level III certification and future Unit of Action requirements, CECOS has developed a CEC Officer only version.   While still covering the overarching topics identified above, each version is tailored specifically for either the Civilian Environmental Professional OR the CEC Officer, but not both. The CEC version was created to address specifically the Roles and Responsibilities of the CEC community as identified by over 100 officers who served as APWO, PWO, FEAD Dir, ROICC etc.  The different offerings are identified above.  Please ensure that if you are a Civilian, you do not register for the CEC Officer Course, and vice versa.

CIN: A-4A-0098

Personnel Eligible

The target audience for this class includes, but is not limited to DoD Civilian and Contractor shore installation/regional personnel serving as Environmental Program Directors (IEPD), EMS Managers, Media Managers, Cross Functional Team (CFT) members, major process owners, and those managing an installation’s significant aspects (i.e. water, solid waste or energy).

CEC Officers:
We understand that your guidance is to take the class as soon as possible to satisfy your Level III certification.  However, our mission is to provide ready relevant training, which will help CEC Officers execute their Environmental Management System roles and responsibilities in a current or near future APWO/PWO/FEAD position.  If you are currently not in zone for the Level III cert or not heading to one of the aforementioned positions, it is highly recommended taking this training later in your career. Our goal is to provide this webinar once a quarter and we should easily be able to accommodate your schedule.

Course Registration

If you are eligible for this course, use the links below to login or register for an eNTRS account.

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I need to register for an eNTRS account.

Click here for more information about registering for an eNTRS account.

Course Offerings

Offering CDP Start Date End Date Course Location
25030 10MT 3 - Mar - 25 6 - Mar - 25 Virtual for CEC Officers (0800 -1300 Pacific)
25040 10MT 12 - May - 25 15 - May - 25 Virtual for Environmental Professionals (0800 - 1300 Pacific)
25050 10MT 23 - Jun - 25 26 - Jun - 25 Virtual for Environmental Professionals (0800 - 1300 Pacific)
25060 10MT 14 - Jul - 25 17 - Jul - 25 Virtual for CEC Officers (0800 -1300 Pacific)
25070 10MT 18 - Aug - 25 21 - Aug - 25 Virtual for CEC Officers (0800 -1300 Pacific)