Course Description
Transportation of Hazardous Material/Hazardous Waste (HM/HW) for DoD is a 3 day Recurrent/Refresher course that provides a comprehensive review of the DLA Training course Transportation of Hazardous Material/Hazardous Waste (HM/HW) for DOD (DCPSO00R510) and review of the Department of Transportation’s(DOT) HM regulations. The course provides information on the shipper’s responsibility for surface transportation of HM/HW with emphasis on hazardous waste. The course is designed to meet the DOT mandatory recurring training requirement (49 CFR 172, Subpart H). This course is DoD/Interservice Environmental Education Review Board (ISEERB) approved. Course highlights include: HM/HW identification and classification, Shipping papers (HW manifest), Packaging, Marking, Labeling, Placarding, Emergency response information.
CIN: A-4A-0116
This course meets the DOT recurrent training requirement of DOT 49 CFR 172.704, and Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) Part II Chapter 204 Section D.2. For DOD, recurrent training is required every 2 years under the DTR.
You Will Learn To
Correctly classify and identify HM, hazardous substances (HS), HW, and marine pollutants (MP). Verify that manifests/shipping papers are correctly and completely prepared. Ensure that hazardous property is properly packaged, marked, and labeled. Determine what placards are required for hazardous property shipments. Ensure that DOT emergency response information and training requirements are satisfied.
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for personnel who prepare/offer HM/HW for highway shipment and/or sign Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) HW manifests. Those employed by the US Navy or contractors handling HW with a valid US Navy contract and that have a Base Access Card are eligible to attend.
Quota Control
For additional information about the Navy specific schedule and registration for the NAVY SPECIFIC OFFERINGS of this course, please contact the Navy representative from CECOS – Alicia Thompson @ or select the quota request button below.
Navy Specific Offerings
Navy Offerings Background – Although this course is paid for and sponsored by the Navy Civil Engineering Corps Officer School (CECOS), it is owned and instructed by the US Defense Logistics Agency. This allows the Navy and Marine Corps to receive DTR and DoD approved training at Navy/MC installations and reduce the cost of travel to a DLA training facility.
Course Registration
If you are eligible for this course, use the links below to login or register for an eNTRS account.
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I need to register for an eNTRS account.
Click here for more information about registering for an eNTRS account.
Offering | CDP | Start Date | End Date | Course Location |
TBD | 19SY | N/A | N/A | TBD |
25020 | 19SY | 14 - Apr - 25 | 16 - Apr - 25 | Norfolk, VA |
25030 | 19SY | 9 - Jun - 25 | 11 - Jun - 25 | San Diego, CA |
25040 | 19SY | 19 - Aug - 25 | 21 - Aug - 25 | Silverdale, WA |