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Naval Civil Engineer Corps Officers School Environmental Training

Overseas Hazardous Waste Generator

Course Description

‘This course serves as the annual refresher follow up to the initial Overseas HW FacOps courses. This course provides ashore Navy military and civilian (US and Host National) personnel who generate, handle, or manage hazardous waste with the knowledge and skills to conduct their duties safely and in accordance with the Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document (OEBGD), country specific Final Governing Standards, Status of Forces Agreements, Treaties, applicable Host Nation hazardous waste laws and regulations, and relevant Navy policies. This course meets the annual training needs of country specific FGS and Navy 5090.1(series) HazWaste training requirements.

CIN: A-493-0094

Personnel Eligible

Personnel (military, US civilian, Host National) who manage, generate, store or dispose of hazardous waste overseas.

Overseas Hazardous Waste Generator

Use the information under Course Offerings to fill out the registration form.

Course Registration

Course Offerings

Offering CDP Start Date End Date Course Location
25060 640F 3 - Apr - 25 3 - Apr - 25 Rota, SP (In Person)
25080 640F 10 - Apr - 25 10 - Apr - 25 Sigonella, IT (In Person)
25090 640F 22 - May - 25 22 - May - 25 Virtual in Yokosuka JP Time Zone
25100 640F 30 - May - 25 30 - May - 25 Virtual in Redzikowo, Poland Time Zone
25105 640F 27 - Jun - 25 27 - Jun - 25 Camp Foster, Okinawa Japan (In Person for USMC)
25110 640F 17 - Jul - 25 17 - Jul - 25 Virtual in Diego Garcia Time Zone
25120 640F 31 - Jul - 25 31 - Jul - 25 Virtual in Singapore Time Zone
25130 640F 26 - Sep - 25 26 - Sep - 25 Camp Foster, Okinawa Japan (In Person for USMC)