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Naval Civil Engineer Corps Officers School Environmental Training

Environmental Protection (Including FGS for Overseas Offerings)

Course Description

This course is designed to provide civilian and military personnel with the basics of the Navy’s programs for environmental protection at Navy and Marine Corps Shore Activities. The 3.5-day course is particularly helpful for the novice but also provides an excellent overview of the Navy’s integrated environmental programs.

Course topics include Overview of DON Integrated Environmental Programs, Environmental Law & Legislation; Liability; Clean Water Act; Safe Drinking Water Act; Spill Control and Countermeasures; Storage Tanks; Clean Air Act;ย Hazardous Materials Management; Hazardous and Solid Waste Management; Natural and Cultural Resources; NEPA; PCB Management; Pesticide Use; Lead-Based Paint; Asbestos; and Radon.

This course is required for Civil Engineer Corps Officers PWO Level II training.

Upon request, this course is available to Overseas Installations for FGS/JEGS training.

CIN: A-4A-0036

Eligible Personnel

Active duty military and civilian employees. Attendance will be useful not only to personnel working in environmental protection, compliance, and natural resources programs, but to those who interface with environmental staff such as Public Affairs, Safety, Facility Planning, Public Works, Acquisition, Budget, FEAD, and Management staff. This course is required for Naval Civil Engineer Corps Officers Level II PW certification.

For Level I PW certification, see *Environmental Protection for PWO Level I*.

Course Registration

If you are eligible for this course, use the links below to login or register for an eNTRS account.

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Course Offerings

Offering CDP Start Date End Date Course Location
TBD 9554 N/A N/A TBD
25030 9554 29 - Apr - 25 2 - May - 25 Pearl Harbor, HI
25040 9554 24 - Jun - 25 27 - Jun - 25 Bremerton, WA
25050 9554 21 - Jul - 25 25 - Jul - 25 Virtual for CEC Officers
25060 9554 19 - Aug - 25 22 - Aug - 25 San Diego, CA