Demonstration Overview
The DoD STED Program is currently demonstrating LED chem light alternatives for use in training and other operations at Department of Defense (DoD) Installations.
Chemiluminescent lights (chem lights) are single use lights used in a wide range of applications such as training, operational, tactical, and landing/drop zones. Chem lights must be disposed after one use while this alternative technology using battery powered Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights can be reused. These LED alternatives to single use chem lights can improve mission readiness through improved lighting functionality and reduced load weights, costs and associated waste generation. These LED lighting systems are available in the same color configurations as chem lights, have increased light emittance stability, and are reusable.
Before these sustainable products are utilized by the Military Departments and DoD Components, their performance must be proven to meet DoD requirements.
Demonstration Products*
The following sustainable products are currently being demonstrated:
- LazerBrite Lighting System by Tactical Lighting Solutions, LLC
* Mention of or referral to commercial products, services, and manufacturers herein is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by, nor the official policy or position of, the Department of Defense (DoD), any of its Components, or the U.S. Government.
Demonstration Sites
Field demonstrations of these products were performed at the following sites to evaluate their performance in Military operational environments and to raise awareness of reusable product availability:
- Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Twentynine Palms
- Marine Corps Base Quantico Program Manager (PM) Infantry Weapons (IW)
- Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Crane
- Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) AIRWorks
- Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma
Demonstration Details
An LED chem light alternative demonstration plan was developed to outline the demonstration activities to be performed, identify site performance requirements and the key performance criteria, as well as select the products to be evaluated. Demonstration sites were provided a supply of the LED chem light alternatives in configurations that corresponded to their light usage applications and asked to provide feedback on the product performance. Table 1 contains the key performance criteria that the DoD stakeholders established to evaluate and validate that the LED chem light alternative products met the participantsโ requirements. The LED chem light alternative demonstration is currently being expanded to additional demonstration sites.
Criteria | Parameters |
Light System Performance |
Light System Form and Size |
Light System Adjustable Aperture Performance |
Light System Ease of Use |
Demonstration Results
Results to date from participating demonstration sites indicate that the LED chem light alternative products met or exceeded the identified key performance criteria as follows:
- Light Intensity: The sustainable chem light technology light intensity was sufficient or more than sufficient for all applications.
- Emitted Light Color: The sustainable chem light technology emitted light color was satisfactory for all applications.
- Battery Life: The sustainable chem light technology battery life was sufficient or more than sufficient for all applications.
- Durability: The sustainable chem light technology was satisfactory for all applications. No light durability issues were reported.
- Form and Size: The sustainable chem light technology form and size was satisfactory or more than satisfactory for all applications.
- Adjustable Light Aperture Performance: The sustainable chem light technology light aperture performance was satisfactory for all applications where the aperture was used.
- Ease of Use: The sustainable chem light technology was satisfactory or more than satisfactory for all applications.
- Overall Performance: The sustainable chem light technology was satisfactory or more than satisfactory for all applications.