As a critical component of the DoD’s environmental quality investment strategy, the NDCEE investigates, demonstrates and helps field viable, mission-driven solutions that reduce total ownership costs and fulfill DoD environmental, energy, health, safety, and sustainability requirements.
The NDCEE is governed by Operating Principles, which describe the responsibility, authority, accountability, and organization of the NDCEE Lead Agent and responsibilities of participating DoD organizations and Military Departments. The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy, and Environment (Environment, Safety and Occupational Health) is the Lead Agent of the NDCEE. Per the Operating Principles, DoD priority requirements for Environmental Quality Technology (EQT) and Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) are funneled from each of the Services through the NDCEE Technical Working Group. The Technical Working Group is comprised of personnel from various levels within each of the Services, the Defense Logistics Agency, and the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense.
Through DoD-wide participation in NDCEE program development and application of the NDCEE Process, the following benefits are achieved:
- Address DoD Priorities/Challenges – Proactively identify and focus on current and emerging issues; develop Service-wide programs for joint initiatives
- Leverage Resources – Share information and successes, synergize RDT&E execution, and enhance coordination among the Services while minimizing duplication of effort
- Transfer Tools and Technologies – Apply and propagate solutions in support of warfighter/mission requirements
- Provide Value-Added/Measurable Benefits – Assess the business case to optimize return on investment; reduce life-cycle costs while enhancing readiness and sustainability
In addition, other government agencies and organizations (e.g., Department of Energy [DOE], Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], Environmental Security Technology Certification Program [ESTCP], and Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program [SERDP]); academia; and the industrial community are invited to participate in NDCEE tasks, as appropriate. This allows a project team and its stakeholders to leverage knowledge and experience as part of a coordinated effort.
The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy, and Environment (Environment, Safety and Occupational Health) is the Lead Agent. Ms. Poppy Harrover, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment is the Program Director, and Mr. Clayton Ferguson, U.S. Army Environmental Command, is the Program Manager.

DoD Lead Agent
Office of the Assistant
Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment

Program Management Office
U.S. Army Environmental Command