A venue to encourage communication across services to influence policy and fiscal responsibility on Energy, Environment, Safety, and Occupation Health Initiatives in order to prevent duplicity and boost collaborations. NDCEE provides an opportunity to engage with DoD subject matter experts in Energy, Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health.
Members’ Duties
In accordance with the NDCEE Operating Principles, the members shall
- Coordinate tasks within their respective Service/agency and assist principal investigators with task formulation and advocacy
- Obtain and report user feedback to the EAB on technology transitioned to users as well as recommendations/requirements to support future transitions of technologies successfully demonstrated/validated by NDCEE. Facilitate and support technology transition/materiel fielding agreements
- Work to establish joint service project as directed by the EAB
- Ensure coordination within their organization
Members meet quarterly to review ESOHE issues, along with review the NDCEE project nominations.
Focus Groups
In accordance with the NDCEE Operating Principles, the members shall also participate in a minimum of one of three Focus Groups- Environmental, Safety & Occupational Health, and Energy on a monthly basis. Focus Groups will work to identify common ESOHE technology requirements and gaps. The Focus Groups nominate and maintain a list of possible projects for the NDCEE Army Directed Funds. Each Focus Group will nominate projects to enter into the NDCEE Project Selection Process.

DoD Lead Agent
Office of the Assistant
Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment

Program Management Office
U.S. Army Environmental Command