In recognition of the unique legal and cultural context for consultation in Hawaii and the buildup of mission-critical military operations across the state, the Department of Defense (DoD) established a consultation policy specific to Hawaii in October 2011, Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 4710.03, “Consultation With Native Hawaiian Organizations.
The Native Hawaiian Federal Interagency Working Group provides guidance and assists federal agencies with their compliance activities associated with the administration and consultation with Native Hawaiian Organizations.
Consistent with the Administration’s additional commitment to scientific integrity and knowledge- and evidence-based policymaking, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) issue this memorandum to recognize Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ITEK)—a form of Indigenous Knowledge3—as one of the many important bodies of knowledge that contributes to the scientific, technical, social, and economic advancements of the United States and to our collective understanding of the natural world.
Native Hawaiian Cultural Communications and Consultation Course (NHCCCC)
The DoD NHCCCC is taught by Native Hawaiian specialists in history, culture, intercultural communication and consultation, and legal experts. This FREE course provides valuable information for DoD employees whose work may have an effect on Native Hawaiians and for those already working with Native Hawaiians and Native Hawaiian Organizations. The training includes:
Check back for updates on upcoming courses.
Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO) Resources
United States Public Law 103-150 to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the January 17, 1893 overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and to offer an apology to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the United States for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Overview of the significant presence the military plays in Hawaii.
Native Hawaiian Organizations in the Section 106 Process
This e-Learning course is designed to assist Native Hawaiian Community members and leaders advance their understanding of the Section 106 review process and increase awareness of strategies for engaging in consultation. It is also intended to enhance the abilities of the Native Hawaiian Community, through NHOs, to effectively interact and work with federal agencies during the Section 106 review process and project implementation. (Free)
This guidance is intended to assist tribal and Native Hawaiian organization (NHO) officials in participating more effectively in the Section 106 review process. Understanding federal agency responsibilities and the rights of Indian tribes and NHOs is of central importance in ensuring that you have the opportunity to voice your views.
Section 106 requires each federal agency to identify and assess the effects of its undertakings on historic properties. It applies when two thresholds are met: there is a federal, federally assisted, or federally licensed activity; and that activity has the potential to affect properties listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The responsible federal agency must consult with the appropriate state and local officials, Indian tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, applicants for federal assistance, and members of the public and consider their views and concerns about historic preservation issues when making final project decisions.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) memorandum to Senior Policy Officials regarding agency consultation policies with Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian Organizations.
The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation offers this as a reference for Native Hawaiian organizations, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) staff, and federal agency staff with responsibility for compliance with Section 106. In 2008, the ACHP adopted the ACHP Policy Statement on the ACHP’s Interaction with Native Hawaiian Organizations. The policy is intended to set “forth actions the ACHP will take to oversee the implementation of its responsibilities under the NHPA with respect to the role afforded to Native Hawaiian organizations in the NHPA.”