Welcome to the Department of Defense โ Legacy Resource Management Program Home Page
Mission – The mission of the Legacy Resource Management Program is to provide coordinated, Department-wide, and partnership-based integration of military mission readiness with the conservation of irreplaceable natural and cultural resources.
Explore the DOD Legacy Resource Management Program through our interactive story map, showcasing over three decades of innovative conservation and preservation projects across military installations. Discover how the program balances military readiness with environmental stewardship. View the Story Map
The Department of Defense (DOD) Legacy Program is a 34-year-old strategic and competitive funding program that has served as an incubator of innovative natural and cultural resource management strategies supporting DOD mission and military installation priorities. Congress established the Legacy Program in 1991 (P.L. 101-511, Section 8120) with the mandate to identify, manage, inventory, conserve, restore and rehabilitate significant biological, geophysical, cultural, and historical resources existing on or involving DOD lands, facilities, and property. Subsequent amendments (P.L. 104-201, Section 2694 of Title 10), refocused the program to conduct and manage coordinated conservation and cultural activities of national or regional significance to better support DODโs ever evolving mission, stewardship, and regulatory requirements.
Since its establishment, the Legacy Program has funded over 3,400 projects for a total funding amount of $405 million benefitting over 300 military installations worldwide. These projects have also involved countless partners including Federal and State agencies, academia, and non-governmental organization.
Leadership, Stewardship and Partnership are the three principles that have guided the Legacy Program for the past three decades. By embracing a conservation leadership role as part of the Legacy Program, the Department serves as a model for respectful use of natural and cultural resources. Legacy projects and initiatives assist DOD in safeguarding its irreplaceable resources for future generations. And through its mutually beneficial partnerships and collaborations, the Legacy Program strives to access the knowledge, expertise, and available resources of groups and individuals outside of DOD.
For a more complete program overview: Legacy Program Fact Sheet
Legacy Listserv
What’s New
2024 Keeping History Above Water (KHAW): Pacific Workshop
2024 National Public Lands Day (NPLD)

Story Telling Through Photographic Profiles of Species at Risk Occurring on Defense Department Installations (Legacy Project: NR-23-004)
- Fact Sheet
- Story Map: U.S. Navy Making Endangered Species History
- Story Map: The Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat Recovery
- Story Map: Saving Species, Supporting the Mission
Video Link: Boots on the Ground: Saving Species, Supporting the Mission
Western Monarch Overwintering Science Initiative Story Map
Legacy Program YouTube Channel