Fact Sheet – NESDI 476 A Quantitative Decision Framework for Assessing Navy Vapor Intrusion Sites (2016)
Summary of a quantitative decision framework developed based on a multidimensional Navy VI data base
NESDI 476: A Quantitative Decision Framework for Assessing Navy Vapor Intrusion Sites (June 2015)
A quantitative decision framework was developed based on a multidimensional data base populated with Navy VI site data from a diverse range of geologic, geographic, building types, and other site conditions
Technical Memorandum: Passive Sampling for Vapor Intrusion Assessment (July 2015)
Provides an overview of the use of passive samplers for vapor intrusion (VI) applications.
Guidance for Communicating Vapor Intrusion at Environmental Restoration Sites, NAVFAC/NCMPHC (October 2014)
This guidance, prepared by NAVFAC and NMCPHC, is designed to provide recommendations for notifying and relaying information regarding VI investigations to Base personnel and potentially occupants of industrial, office, or residential buildings.
Vapor Intrusion – Innovative Site Characterization Methods Fact Sheet, TDS-NAVFAC EXWC-EV-1301 (February 2013)
Summary factsheet of VI characterization technologies
NAVFAC Interim Final Guidance for Environmental Background Analysis Volume IV: Vapor Intrusion Pathway, NAVFAC UG-2091-ENV (April 2011)
Guidance on assessing potential background sources as a part of the assessment of the vapor intrusion pathway.
Vapor Intrusion Mitigation in Construction of New Buildings, NAVFAC Fact Sheet (August 2011)
Factsheet for VI mitigation approaches for new construction
Vapor Intrusion Mitigation in Existing Buildings, NAVFAC Fact Sheet (May 2011)
Factsheet for VI mitigation approaches for existing buildings
Vapor Intrusion – Review of Best Practices, Knowledge and Data Gaps, and Research Opportunities for the U.S. Department of Navy Vapor Intrusion Focus Areas, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific TR-1982 (May 2009)
Review of technologies and approaches for evaluating VI
Continuous Monitoring for Vapor Intrusion Fact Sheet (2021)
This fact sheet will focus on recent applications of a continuous monitoring (CM) technology that provides quantitative measurements of vapor concentrations in the field. CM can help to address site-specific building conditions that influence the VI pathway over time.
Optimization of Building Pressure Cycling (BPC) Methods for Vapor Intrusion Studies in Large Buildings Technical Memo (2021)
This technical memo discusses BPC test procedures and summarizes the results and lessons learned from BPC tests conducted at DoD buildings. These lessons learned are further analyzed to recommend ways to improve testing procedures and data interpretation.
For additional resources visit the NAVFAC Environmental Restoration and BRAC Vapor Intrusion Webpage here.