Defense International Environmental Program

OSD Activities


(Alphabetical List)

Overseas Hazardous Waste Disposal, Management, and Contingency Operations (2000)

Overseas Hazardous Waste Disposal and Readiness Workshop

July 13-14, 2000, Fort Belvoir, VA

Held July 13 and 14, 2000, this day and a half workshop for DoD personnel provided an overview of the realities of DoD hazardous waste disposal overseas and readiness implications. After background updates on how the system works overseas, guest speakers discussed a variety of real situations encountered by DoD elements overseas, including successes and lessons learned. The role of the Basel Convention was examined in detail, with speakers representing the EPA, the Department of State and other organizations, to help understand how this international treaty affects DoD operations. Individuals with first-hand experience addressed the hazardous waste disposal in contingencies through all phases of deployment planning and operations. Breakout sessions gave participants an opportunity to join deliberations on meeting DoDโ€™s future challenges in HW disposal overseas.

General Information

from Sherri W. Goodman, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)

Additional Information

Additional Workshop Proceedings

Related Links

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry


Basel Action Network


Basel Convention

United National Environmental Programme (UNEP)

European Topic Centre on Waste

European Environment Agency

European Union


Hazardous Waste Trade

International Institute for Sustainable Development

International Law

Hieros Gamos, the Comprehensive Law and Government Portal

Research Guide To Access Environmental Law Via the Internet

Toxicology Data NETwork

U.S. National Institute of Health: National Library of Medicine

United Nations


World Trade Organization



Environmental Considerations (U)

Robert S. Taylor, Deputy General Counsel, DoD (Environment and Installations)

Environmental Assessments/Analyses (U)

Environmental Assessments โ€“ Exemptions or Exclusions (U)

Joint Environmental Management Board (U)

Anna Tschursin, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste

Sharron J. Philo, Office of General Counsel, Defense Logistics Agency

Deborah Grout, U.S. Department of State

Miriam Alonso, DRMS

Curtis Bowling, DUSD (Force Protection)

Jim Carr, Audrey Weber, Kellie Birch, DRMS International

Jim Carr, Audrey Weber, Kellie Birch, DRMS International

Bill Nicholls, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Environmental Security

Bruce deGrazia, Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Environmental Quality

Kevin Dodge, LTC, USA, Defense Logistics Agency, Logistics Readiness Center

Workshop: Environmental Considerations in Military Operations and Global Basing (2006)

General Information


Bruce Fink





Kurt J. Kinnevan

Beth Lachman

Steven Lufkin

William A.J. Mackie

Paul McComb

Linda Moschelle

Linda Moschelle

Nicholls Sadusky, Van Housten

Bill Nicholls

Bill Nicholls

Frank Stone

Bill Van Houten

Bill Van Houten

Craig Walmsley

John Kauffman, James Kraska

Workshop: Environmental Considerations in Military Operations: Plans and Executions (2007)


A Joint South Africa โ€“ United States Environmental Security Working Group Project (July 2000). This guidebook lays out a step-by-step approach to creating a web site. First it identifies the requirements of a website, to include the provision and dissemination of information, technical considerations, and the type of skilled individuals that are necessary to form a website. Next it discusses the planning process which covers data infrastructure, a configuration management process and group, and selection of the development technology. It addresses development, which covers appearance, content, format, functionality, and prototype testing. Deployment is also discussed, which covers host server considerations, operational testing, and fielding the system. Last, this guidebook presents several key considerations relating to maintenance, including the implementation of back-up procedures, updates, and the establishment of a help desk