Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans (INRMPs) serve as the blueprint to manage DoD’s lands, waters, and airspace. INRMPs address all the habitats and species found on an installation while providing management strategies and guidance to DoD Natural Resource Managers on how to conserve those habitats and species while supporting the installation’s mission. INRMPs are collaborative as they are developed and coordinated with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the State Fish and Wildlife agencies. Not every installation has an INRMP; the installation must have significant natural resources (e.g., wetlands; listed, rare or at-risk species; forestry; agriculture) to have a plan. Of DoD’s 550 installations, 345 of them require INRMPs (145 Army, 81 Navy, 96 Air Force, 17 Marine Corps, 4 Space Force, and 2 Defense Logistics Agency), which serve as the roadmap for conservation actions taken on the installation. These plans truly are the foundation of an installation’s natural resources management.
Use the tabs and search functions on the left tab of this page to find INRMPs by installation name, Military Department, state, INRMP effective date, or the responsible USFWS region.