2023 Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) Forum

All presentations are hyperlinked to speaker names and titles.
Tuesday, November 14
MMRP 101 Training
Overview for States and other interested parties who are not familiar with and want to learn more about munitions response (MR) and basic munitions response technology.
DERP 101 Training
Overview of DoD’s DERP and implementing it at specific cleanup sites. The training will provide useful information for State regulators and other interested stakeholders, especially new personnel who may not be as familiar with DoD’s cleanup program.
Wednesday, November 15
Plenary Session: Key Federal and State Leaders
Hear from the leaders at DoD, the State of Missouri, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO), and Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) as they welcome participants to the 2023 DERP Forum.
*Ron Tickle, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environmental Management and Restoration (DASD(EMR))
Hannah Humphrey, Deputy Department Director, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
*Amy Brittain, ASTSWMO President; Risk Management and Groundwater Program Manager of Land Protection Division, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
*Greg Gervais, SES, Director, FFRRO, EPA Headquarters
Plenary Session: DERP Policy and Program Management Updates, Questions, and Discussion
Discussion with representatives from the ODASD(EMR), the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), DoD Office of General Counsel (OGC), and the Environmental Data Quality Workgroup (EDQW) about updates to DERP policies, along with a question and answer session.
Alexandria Long, Director of Cleanup and Compliance, ODASD(EMR)
Brian Jordan, Munitions Program Manager, ODASD(EMR)
Karen Colmie, Associate General Counsel (Environment, Energy & Installations), DoD OGC
Andrea Leeson, Deputy Director and Environmental Restoration Program Manager, SERDP-ESTCP
*Panelists: Lia Gaizick, Cleanup Program Manager, ODASD(EMR); Cristina Harvey, Program Manager, ODASD(EMR); Heidi Hulst, Strategic Communications Manager, Cleanup Program, ODASD(EMR); Bryan Frey, Director for Munitions and Chemical Matters, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health); John Tesner, Director for Restoration, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy, and Environment); Michelle Brown, Director, Environmental Policy and Programs, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Infrastructure); and Kevin Kivimaki, Deputy Staff Director, Environmental Management, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Installation Management
Full Group Session: PFAS Update
Learn about new Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) treatment technologies, DoD and EPA PFAS policies, and perspectives on PFAS cleanup.
Mary Cooke, Environmental Scientist, EPA, FFRRO
Lia Gaizick, Cleanup Program Manager, ODASD(EMR)
Alexandria Long, Director of Cleanup and Compliance, ODASD(EMR)
Full Group Session: Cleanup Program Best Practices (IRP and MMRP Examples)
Highlighting best practices across the Installation Restoration Program (IRP) and Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP). Presenters will discuss collaboration techniques to improve communications in project teams leading to efficient resolution of issues and expedited cleanup.
Full Group Session: MMRP Update
Learn about the latest MMRP efforts and how various tools support the use of technology, data quality, and decision making.
Brian Jordan, Munitions Program Manager, ODASD(EMR); and Doug Maddox, Headquarters Program Manager, EPA, FFRRO
Thursday, November 16
DERP Forum IRP Track Sessions
PFAS Website Demonstration
DoD, EPA, and the States are increasingly using electronic tools to facilitate information sharing and communication with the public. During this session, you’ll have the opportunity to walk through and discuss PFAS websites from DoD, EPA, and California.
Co-Chairs: Dominique Forrester, Federal Facilities Chief, California Department of Toxic Substances Control; and Heidi Hulst, Strategic Communications Manager, Cleanup Program, ODASD(EMR)
Heidi Hulst, Strategic Communications Manager, Cleanup Program, ODASD(EMR)
*Mary Cooke, Environmental Scientist, EPA, FFRRO
*Steve McMasters, Senior Engineering Geologist, California State Water Resources Control Board
PFAS Treatment Technology
Learn about the technologies used to treat PFAS through case studies. Presenters will discuss how DoD applied technologies, lessons learned, and tips for future application.
Co-Chairs: Jennifer Talbert, Remediation Program Manager, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment; and John Tesner, Director for Restoration, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy, and Environment)
Andrea Leeson, Deputy Director and Environmental Restoration Program Manager, SERDP-ESTCP
Jovan Popovic, Environmental Engineer, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
PFAS Policy
DoD, EPA FFRRO, and States will discuss how their PFAS policies and initiatives support cleanup.
Co-Chairs: Cristina Harvey, Cleanup Program Manager, ODASD(EMR); and Greggory Miller, Environmental Protection Specialist, Illinois EPA
Mary Cooke, Environmental Scientist, EPA, FFRRO
Enhancing Community Outreach
This session will include an overview on outreach and communication initiatives throughout the cleanup community. Presenters from the South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control, Navy and Marine Corps Force Health Protection Command, and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry will highlight successful examples and approaches to risk communication and community engagement that have strengthened relationships with community members and other stakeholders during cleanups.
Co-Chairs: Stacey French, Director, Division of Waste Management, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control; and Heidi Hulst, Strategic Communications Manager, Cleanup Program, ODASD(EMR)
Melissa Forrest, Risk Communicator, Navy and Marine Corps Force Health Protection Command
Chris Reh, Associate Director, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
IRP Topics of Interest
This session offers participants the opportunity to discuss various IRP topics. Learn more about best management practices and issues that are important to your cleanup program.
Co-Chairs: Michelle Brown, Director, Environmental Policy and Programs, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Infrastructure); and John Swartwout, Chief, Section C, Remedial Bureau A, Division of Environmental Remediation, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
*Mary Cooke, Environmental Scientist, EPA, FFRRO
DERP Forum MMRP Track Sessions
Technology Update
Understand the need for technology to facilitate and manage munitions response site (MRS) cleanup and hear updates on ongoing technological research.
Co-Chairs/Speakers: John Jackson, Geophysicist, Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise, USACE; and Iver McLeod, Project Manager, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Data Quality Considerations
Discussion of data quality objectives and usability, as well as the Systemic Planning Process at MRSs.
Co-Chairs/Speakers: Jordan Adelson, Chair, EDQW; and Jeff Swanson, Unexploded Ordnance Lead Authority, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Project teams are using the Risk Management Methodology (RMM) at sites across the country. Discuss the status of the RMM, as well as states’ and DoD’s perspective on the application of RMM to date.
Learn about lifecycle impacts associated with implementation of Land Use Controls (LUCs). The session will include a discussion on LUC Implementation Plans, state concerns associated with MR LUCs, and a contemporary case study of LUCs on publicly accessible government property.
Co-Chairs: Dominique Forrester, Federal Facilities Chief, California Department of Toxic Substances Control; and Ian Thompson, Program Manager, Environmental Restoration Program, U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters
Ian Thompson, Program Manager, Environmental Restoration Program, U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters
Lynne Baumgras, Senior Engineering Geologist, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
James Salisbury, Environmental Scientist, Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise, USACE
*Walter Christensen, Environmental Director, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs, U.S. Marine Corps
Best Management Practices/Success Stories
Hear success stories and best practices from DoD, States, and other stakeholders about the munitions response process. Learn how project teams are successfully involving stakeholders, using lines of evidence, and determining viable remedial alternatives.
Co-Chairs: Michael Book, MMRP Program Manager, Air Force Civil Engineer Center; and Doug Maddox, Headquarters Program Manager, EPA, FFRRO
Amanda Sticker, Civil Engineer, Environmental and Munitions Center of Expertise, USACE
Doug Maddox, Headquarters Program Manager, EPA, FFRRO
*Speakers/Panelists: Ron Tickle, DASD(EMR); Alexandria Long, Director of Cleanup and Compliance, ODASD(EMR); Brian Jordan, Munitions Program Manager, ODASD(EMR); Karen Colmie, Associate General Counsel (Environment, Energy & Installations), DoD OGC; Andrea Leeson, Deputy Director and Environmental Restoration Program Manager, SERDP-ESTCP; Lia Gaizick, Cleanup Program Manager, ODASD(EMR); Cristina Harvey, Program Manager, ODASD(EMR); Heidi Hulst, Strategic Communications Manager, Cleanup Program, ODASD(EMR); Bryan Frey, Director for Munitions and Chemical Matters, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health); John Tesner, Director for Restoration, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy, and Environment); Michelle Brown, Director, Environmental Policy and Programs, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environment, Safety, and Infrastructure); Kevin Kivimaki, Deputy Staff Director, Environmental Management, DLA Installation Management; and Jordan Adelson, Chair, EDQW
Friday, November 17
RMM Training
This training will present the RMM, which is a qualitative risk evaluation tool that provides project teams with a framework to facilitate discussion about cleanup and build consensus for risk management decisions at MRSs. The training will include discussions on RMM data needs and the steps to apply the RMM, as well as case study exercises to demonstrate how project teams would apply the RMM at example MRSs.
ITRC Framework for Identifying CECs
This training will present the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) framework for identifying Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs), which consists of a white paper and four associated fact sheets. The framework is meant to help environmental regulatory agencies by providing examples of CECs monitoring programs and guiding the user through the process of identifying CECs key characteristics, how to communicate real and perceived risk from CECs to the public, and how laboratory analytical methods can be used in the identification process.
Trainers: Meaghan Cibarich, Engagement and Communication Lead, Office of Emerging Contaminants, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Kim Nimmer, Senior Policy Advisor for the City of Raleigh North Carolina City Manager’s Office; and Paula Panzino, Chief Science Officer, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
For more information about the slide decks for the CEC trainings, please reach out to ITRC at itrc@itrcweb.org.
*Speaker(s) didn’t use a PowerPoint presentation.