This six-step adaptation planning process provides a structured yet flexible way to incorporate climate-related concerns into INRMPs as a means of sustaining military mission (from Stein et al. 2019).
Step 1. Set Context for Adaptation Planning
- Conduct program scoping
- Assemble planning team/engage stakeholders
- Compile background information
Step 2. Assess Climate Vulnerabilities and Risks
- Project future conditions
- Assess vulnerability of target natural resources
- Assess resulting impacts and risks to military mission
Step 3. Evaluate Implications for INRMP Goals and Objectives
- Evaluate continued achievability of existing goals
- Update climate-compromised goals and objectives
Step 4. Develop Strategies and Actions to Reduce Climate Risks
- Identify potential adaptation strategies and actions
- Evaluate the effectiveness/feasibility of possible strategies
- Select priority risk reduction measures
Step 5. Implement Adaptation Actions and Projects
- Identify project requirements and dependencies
- Incorporate actions/projects into INRMP implementation table
Step 6. Monitor and Adjust Adaptation Actions
- Define expected results of adaptation strategies
- Monitor project effectiveness and ecological responses
- Adjust actions and plans as needed
Go to next page: Building Capacity for Managing Biodiversity
Bruce Stein, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Associate Vice President
National Wildlife Federation
Emerging Trends in DoD Biodiversity Conservation Sections
Emerging Trends in DoD Biodiversity Conservation
Flexibility in Endangered Species Management
Climate Adaption and Resilience
Box 1.3: Overview of INRMP Climate Adaptation Planning Process