The INRMP Implementation Manual (DoDM 4715.03) identifies several key principles for incorporating ecosystem-based management into installation natural resource management activities.
- Maintain and improve the sustainability and native biodiversity of ecosystems— Conduct programs and activities to identify, maintain, and restore the composition, structure, and function of natural communities that comprise ecosystems.
- Consider ecological units and timeframes—Consider the effects of programs and actions at spatial and temporal ecological scales that are relevant to natural processes.
- Support sustainable human activities—Consistent with mission requirements, support multiple use and sustainable development.
- Develop a vision of ecosystem health—Working with all interested parties, collaborate in developing a shared vision of what constitutes desirable future ecosystem conditions.
- Develop priorities and reconcile conflicts—Along with stakeholders, prioritize the ecosystem-based management objectives and the methods for meeting those objectives.
- Develop coordinated approaches to work toward ecosystem health—Involve dthe military operational community early in the planning process; develop a detailed ecosystem management implementation strategy based on the vision described above; meet regularly with regional stakeholders; incorporate ecosystem management goals into strategic, financial, and program planning and design budgets; and prevent undesirable duplication of effort and minimize inconsistencies in programs affecting ecosystems.
- Rely on best science and data available—Ecosystem management is centered on scientific understanding of ecosystem composition, structure, and function; use established standards for the collection, taxonomy, distribution, exchange, update, and format of ecological, socioeconomic, cartographic, and managerial data.
- Use goals and objectives to monitor and evaluate outcomes—Implementation strategies should include specific and measurable objectives and criteria to evaluate activities in the ecosystem.
- Use adaptive management—Develop flexible management practices to accommodate the evolving scientific understanding of ecosystems and adjust as necessary based on, at a minimum, annual reviews.
- Implement through installation plans and programs—Work with stakeholders to identify an ecosystem’s desired future conditions and incorporate implementing activities, as appropriate, in installation INRMPs, ICRMPs, and other planning and budgeting documents.
Next Page: Adaptive Management
Bruce Stein, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Associate Vice President
National Wildlife Federation
A Shift Toward Ecosystem Management and Biodiversity Conservation Sections
A Shift Toward Ecosystem Management and Biodiversity Conservation
Box 1.1: Importance of Biodiversity Conservation for the Military Mission