Army Historic Preservation and Cultural Resources Management

Department of the Army Historic Housing Periods and Distribution

The graphs and distribution maps provide information on Army historic housing by historical period and distribution across the country.  The Army was officially established on June 14, 1775.  As one of Americanโ€™s oldest federal institutions, the Army owns and manages more historic buildings and historic housing than any other Federal agency.  Many of the buildings that were constructed on Army installations by the Army over its 246 year history are now historic properties.  The Armyโ€™s large inventory of historic housing is defined and categorized by the following historical periods:
Period I    1777-1865 Non-standardized Housing
Period II   1866-1890 First Standardized Quartermaster Corps Plan Housing
Period III  1891-1918 Expansion of Standardized Quartermaster Corps Plan Housing
Period IV  1919-1940 Inter-War Era Standardized Quartermaster Corps Plan Housing
Period V   1941-1948 World War II and Post World War II Housing 
Period VI  1949-1962 Capehart / Wherry Program Housing
Period VII 1963-1975 Vietnam War Era Housing