Each year, the Department of Defense (DoD) submits an annual report to Congress on its Defense Environmental Programs. The Report describes DoD’s Conservation, Compliance, Pollution Prevention, and Restoration Programs’ accomplishments during the past year. Through these programs, DoD works to protect human health, sustain the resources it holds in the public trust, meet its environmental requirements, and support the military mission.
This is the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Defense Environmental Programs Annual Report to Congress (DEP ARC). It outlines how DoD used Congressional funding to meet its environmental program goals in FY10. The FY10 DEP ARC provides a comprehensive review of the Department’s environmental programs and illustrates its budget trends from FY06 to FY12. In FY10, DoD obligated approximately $4.5 billion in resources for environmental activities. This report fulfills multiple statutory requirements, including 10 United States Code §2706.

FY 2010 DEP ARC (complete report, 11MB)
- Natural and Cultural Resources
- Compliance
- Pollution Prevention
- Restoration
- Environmental Technology
- Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans
- Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plans
- Historic Building Inventories
- Air Quality
- Clean Water
- Safe Drinking Water
- Enforcement Actions
- Solid Waste
- Hazardous Waste
- Toxics Release Inventory
- Installation Restoration Program
- Military Munitions Response Program
- Cost Recovery
- Restoration Partnerships
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