The 3Rs Guide for the UXO Safety Clubhouse
1. Recognize - when you may have encountered ammo.
2. Retreat - do not move or touch it, carefully leave the area the same way you got there.
3. Report - call 911 to report the ammo and where you found it!

Download 3Rs Coloring books
- 3Rs Roxie Coloring Book - 3Rs-Coloring-Book-Roxie-2022-large.pdf (14.7 MBs)
- 3Rs Sgt. Woof Coloring Book - 3Rs-Coloring-Book-Sgt-Woof-2022.pdf (2.3 MBs)
- 3Rs Ilio Coloring Book - 3Rs-Coloring-Book-Ilio-2022.pdf (3.1 MBs)